Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Conservative Talk Lunch (CTL)

January 23, 2019

King Buffet
3650 Kietzke
11:30-1:30 pm
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MISSION STATEMENT:  To provide a forum to educate and to inform about various current local, state and national political issues; to provide a forum for candidates running for office to inform and educate about their platform; to provide a forum for attendees to discuss and make informed decisions that promote the Conservative cause and citizen participation in government. 

Conservative Talk Lunch
January 23, 2019
Mark Your Calendars
Daily & Weekly
*    Monday-Friday, 5:00-8:00 AM, 780 AM (KKOH) The Mitchell and Mason Show, with Ross Mitchell and Dan Mason, also live-streamed at  Battling Liberals daily.  Call in lines are 775-852-8255 or 800-564-5564.
*    Monday-Friday, 8:00-9:00 AM, 780 AM (KKOH) Dan Mason Show. Also live-streamed at  Battling Liberals daily.  Call in lines are 775-852-8255 or 800-564-5564.
*    Every Wednesday, 4:00-5:45 PM, Scheels Meeting Room (Upstairs). Constitution Study Group, Contact D.J. Jones,                             
*    Every Thursday, 2:00-3:00 pm, CEO Business Mind on 1180 AM with Joe Morabito. Re-broadcast over the weekend on 99.1 FM. Check local listings.  Or follow Joe’s blog,
*    Every Thursday, 3:30-5:30 PM, Current Events, where the discussion centers around news, headlines, politics. No subject is off limits. All participants are respectful of others and all are welcome. Del Webb Aspen Lodge, Questions?  Contact Larry Newman, 775-322-5141.

 Coming Soon
*      Thur, Jan 24, 6:30 pm, WC Republican Central Committee meeting. Elks Lodge, 597 Kumle.
*       Wed, Jan 30, 5:30 pm, location TBA.  SHARE Committee (Sexuality, Health And Responsibility Education) meeting. Watch this space for location.
*      Thur, Feb 7, 6:30 pm, Executive Committee meeting of the WC Republican Central Committee, WCRP Headquarters Annex.
*      Sat, Feb 9, 5:00 pm reception; 6:30 dinner, Elks Lodge, 597 Kumle Lane. Washoe County Republican Assembly (WCRA) Lincoln Day Dinner, "Boots & Rhinestones". $65/pp or $120/couple. Keynote speakers: Syndicated radio talk show personality, Tom Sullivan and Heritage Action spokesperson Nathan Duell.  RSVP by sending check to WCRA, 3506 Brassie Dr, Sparks, NV 89431. Click HERE for flyer.
*      Tue, Feb 12, 6:10 pm, The Club at Arrowcreek, The Hayek Group. Program: Dr/Colonel Tyrus Cobb speaking on Trump's Foreign Policy.  $35 w/ reservations before noon, 2/12. RSVP:
*      Wed, Feb 13, 11:30-1:00, Conservative Talk Lunch (CTL), King Buffet. Call Carole Fineberg, 775-622-9811 with any questions or a desire to be on the agenda. $14 for optional buffet, beverage, tax & tip.
*      Wed, Feb 13, 1:00 pm, King Buffet, FREE Citizen Lobbyist Workshop by Janine Hansen in preparation for the beginning of the Legislative Session.
*      Tue. Feb 19, 11:00 doors open, Atlantis, Republican Men's Club (RMC). Program:  Marc Johnson, UNR President, "Where UNR is and where it is headed."  $25/members registered. Add $5 if not registered.  Register at
*      Sat, Feb 23, Atlantis - LINCOLN DAY DINNER.  Keynote Speaker:  Sebastian Gorka, former Deputy Ass't to Pres Trump and Fox News Contributor. General Reception + Dinner - $175/person or $1750/table of 8.  Platinum Reception with Dr. Gorka - $225/person or $2250/table of 8 includes  preferred seating. Click HERE for the flyer and how to register.
*      Wed, Feb 27, 11:30-1:30, Conservative Talk Lunch (CTL), King Buffet. Call Carole Fineberg, 775-622-9811 with any questions or a desire to be on the agenda. $14 for optional buffet, beverage, tax & tip.

Pledge of Allegiance

1)  Barbara Kirk, a frequent attendee of CTL and an very active member of Republican Women of Reno, has recently lost her husband.  Please hold Barbara and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

2)  S.H.A.R.E. Committee - Andrew Caudill, one of our newly elected School Board Trustees, let me know SHARE (Sexuality, Health and Responsibility Learning) is once against proposing a left wing sex ed curriculum supported by Planned Parenthood and the transgender groups.  The community was outraged 2 years ago when they tried it. That's how Andrew first got involved and ultimately decided to run for School Board.  They're at it again and will be meeting on Wed, Jan 30 at 5:30 pm, location TBD.  This is a violation of parental rights and the only way to stop it is for the community to show up and speak out.  Watch this space for updates!

3) The Wall - from Vin Keenan, with the shut down and votes coming Thursday (tomorrow), calls to our DC electeds are necessary.  I am attaching Vin's sheet from last meeting, as all arguments and numbers are still pertinent.  Click HERE.

Below is an email that has been going around and around. Its mission is noble, but not verifiable.  Eight of the 11 links are not good, as I've indicated at the end of each link in red.  Even if not verifiable, consider the huge expense to us United States taxpayers of welfare, food assistance programs, Medicaid, primary and secondary education, incarceration, and public defenders of illegal aliens in our society.  If only the first 3 of these 11 are verifiable and true, that is $35.5B annually spent on illegals. Here is the email:

"It's easy to dismiss individual programs that benefit non-citizens until they're all put together and this picture emerges.  Someone did a lot of research to put together all this data. Often these programs are buried within other programs making it difficult to find each of them. 

1.  $11 Billion to $22 Billion is spent on welfare to illegal immigrants each year by state  governments.
Verify at:
2.   $22 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal immigrants.
Verify at:
3.   $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal immigrants. 
Verify at:
4.   $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on Primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!  
Verify at:  BAD LINK
5.   $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for Education for the American-born  Children of illegal immigrants, known as Anchor babies. 
Verify at:   BAD LINK
6$3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal immigrants.  
Verify at:   BAD LINK
730% percent of all Federal Prison Inmates are illegal immigrants. 
Verify at:    BAD LINK
8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on Illegal immigrants for Welfare & Social Services by the American taxpayers.
Verify at:  Just goes to
9. $200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal immigrants. 
Verify at:        BAD LINK
10. In 2006, illegal immigrants sent home $45 BILLION in remittances to their Countries of origin. 
Verify at:     BAD LINK
11.   The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One million sex crimes committed by illegal immigrants in the United States . 
Verify at:     BAD LINK




Michael Jack, Vice Chair of the Washoe County Republican Party and MichaelKadenacy, Chairman, Washoe County Republican Party - presented a power point presentation on what Washoe County Republican Party (WCRP) did in the 2018 election season and how it mattered.

Money was raised specifically to hire interns to walk precincts to get out the vote. It worked because in Washoe County, we reached 85% of Republican doors and a whopping 74.4% of the registered Republican voters turned out to vote, highest in the state, likely the highest in history. Of the top of the ticket, (US Senate, US Congress, Gov, Lt Gov, Sec'y of State, Atty Gen'l, Controller, Treasurer), 4 of the 8 won in Washoe, even though only two of them actually won the election. Of the bottom of the ticket, here in Washoe, there were 23 County, City and School Board offices up and Rs won 19 of the 23. Two school board seats were flipped, as well as 1 City Council seat.

What next? Strategies are being planned and implemented now to move to control the State Legislature in 2020, or at the very least, prevent a super-majority. We will be identifying districts that are winnable, recruiting, training and supporting candidates. The County Party made a difference in this last election and we are poised to do the same in 2020, even moreso.

A question was asked from the group about our relationship with the Clark County RP. Fortunately, there has been a change of leadership and the new Chair (Dave Sajak) and Vice Chair (Derek Uehara, whom we know at CTL and very much like) are in sync with us here in Washoe.  New policies are starting to be implemented to help us throughout the state.

Patty Miller, WCRP Treasurer - talked about the Lincoln Day Dinner on Feb. 23, with Dr. Sebastian Gorka as keynote. He is a nationally recognized authority on national security, strategy, counter terrorism and an author.  He was President Trump's strategist on national security in Trump's first year and Gorka is now a contributor to Fox News (nearly daily), Breitbart and other news sources.

The dinner is pricey; when considering the price, please consider everything you will be helping the Party to do in 2020. This is the biggest fundraiser and likely the only chance you'll ever have to hear Dr. Gorka in person. Enjoy a fabulous meal and an engaging evening. If you cannot attend, consider donating a bottle of wine ($20 in value minimum) or a donation to  If you are willing to work the event, a special pricing can be arranged for $75 to a limited number of people.  See Coming Soon events in the Calendar section above.

Paul Jackson - talked about the Boots & Rhinestones dinner Washoe County Republican Assembly (WCRA) is holding on Feb 9, with keynote radio talk show host Tom Sullivan, Heritage Foundation's Nathan Duell and internet radio personality Megan Barth. See Coming Soon events in the Calendar section above.

Lynn Chapman - Lynn told us about her father, Bob Page, and his battle with prostate cancer. Bob has been a frequent attendee at CTL since moving to Reno last year.  We wish him well.  Lynn also has many Education Reporters with excellent articles on Common Core, Social & Emotional Learning (SEL), marijuana's effects on the brain, UN program for US children, to name a few.  If you would like a free copy of an Education Reporter, please contact Lynn directly,

Paul White - is starting a new group entitled Quality of Life (QOL) and their two focuses are homelessness and schools.  Right now in Reno there is a shelter which does not require drug testing or counseling and law enforcement are told to stand down. All this shelter does is give the homeless a place to spend the night, but kicks them out early in the morning to wander the streets. The place is a dirty mess. Adjacent is the Gospel Mission, which has rules: drug testing, makes sure they are clean, sober and helps them find jobs. The place is clean and really does offer a hand up, not a hand out.

In its infinite wisdom (?) the City of Reno has instituted a Business Improvement District (BID) where in the 120-block core of downtown, owners of properties are assessed an extra tax, based on the size of the building, that is supposed to stem the homeless problem. The tax is supposed to pay for additional police + an ambassador program. The Council collaborated with a few owners, raised $2.3M/year with the understanding that the burden would be shared by ALL property owners.  The goal is to hire 14 ambassadors @$50K/yr and more police.  But, police are not being allowed to enforce the law, so why have more of them?  And the ambassadors will busy themselves with picking up trash and providing directions to people who need them.  The BID was passed by way of a petition sent to property owners in which the only answer possible was YES. So with 30% response, this tax was implemented.  It's a huge burden that will do little to fix the problem.

QOL is fighting the legality of the petition and trying to overturn the BID, which has been successfully done in other cities.

Click HERE for an article written by Paul White to the RGJ and published Jan. 15 and explains BID more thoroughly.

Bill Tarbell - One inaccurate thing was said about the Covington High School kids debacle.  It was reported that the school came down on the kids for their reaction, when in fact, it was the Catholic Diocese (likely a lay person, rather than clergy) that made negative comments about the kids.  But none of it was true.  Those kids initiated nothing, were just waiting for a bus.  The ugliness, ridicule and bullying of the kids was started by the adults.  Right here in Reno, a friend of Bill's was verbally attacked for wearing a MAGA hat.  The incivility has to stop.

Next Meeting - Wednesday, Feb 13, same time, same place.  After a shortened meeting, 12:00-1:00, we will have a special program at 1:00 pm by Janine Hansen on How to Be an Effective Citizen Lobbyist, just in time for the Legislature to start. This is a free training.  Don't miss this important meeting!